XQ - XQuery File

What is a XQ file

XQ files are associated with a programming language called XQuery. XQuery allows developers to manipulate XML data. The source code inside the XQ file is used to read but also extract data from data models that have been created from XML data sources. Different kinds of software for both desktop and online usage use XQ files to interpret content in the XML format.

The level XQuery operates at is the logical data model level. Thus, when reading data using XQ files, not only direct XML data sources can be interpreted. When trying to interpret data from relational databases or other object repositories, another instance has to be interconnected in order to display the data in an XML format that the XQ file can read and process.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open XQ documents:

  • Altova XMLSpy (Windows)
  • Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio (Windows)
  • MacroMates TextMate (Mac)
  • Progress Stylus Studio (Windows)
  • SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor (Windows)
  • Any Text Editor
Extension XQ
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