SHS - Shell Scrap Object File

What is a SHS file

An SHS file is created when you copy selected text from a document in Microsoft Word or Excel, drag it’s out of the document and drop it onto your desktop. The process is frequently used when you find text within one document that you want to save and add to a different document later. On its own, the content of this file is not useable and you cannot open the file to view its contents. The file must again be dragged and dropped into a program or other type of file that has the ability to unlock the functionality of the SHS file.

Microsoft stopped supporting the SHS file type with the release of Microsoft Vista. Earlier versions of the Microsoft operating system include the Windows Shell Scrap Object Handler. Since this file is not included in Vista (and subsequent releases), the SHS file type cannot be handled without converting the file to have a different type of extension. You must be very careful if someone sends you a SHS file. This is an executable type of file and it is very easy to hide malicious code and viruses within an SHS file. You should scan every SHS file you receive and if you receive it from someone don’t know, you should never execute it on your computer.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open SHS documents:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
Extension SHS
MIME type application/octet-stream
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