PAS - Pascal Source File

What is a PAS file

Files with the PAS extension might be well known to developers and programmers. These files contain source code written in one of two similar programming languages, Pascal or Object Pascal. Code written in these languages is known for being used for several, general purposes as well as for being quite high-level. Editing PAS file can be done either in development programs that support the Pascal languages or in any basic text editing program.

PAS files contain code in a human-readable form. Thus, they are defined as plain text files and can be opened in any text editor. In order to form actual executable programs, the PAS files have to be run through and compiled by a Pascal compiler.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open PAS documents:

  • Bare Bones BBEdit (Mac)
  • Embarcadero Turbo Pascal (Windows)
  • Free Pascal (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Notepad++ (Windows)
  • MacroMates TextMate (Mac)
  • RemObjects Oxygene (Windows)
  • Xidicone Zeus (Windows)
  • Any Text Editor
Extension PAS
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