P65 - PageMaker 6.5 Document

What is a P65 file

Files with the P65 extension are created using the PageMaker 6.5 program by Adobe. This program is used to create page layouts, both in a professional and private context. The PageMaker software has been replaced by Adobe's InDesign. InDesign is also able to handle P65 files and open the saved content of the file.

P65 page layout files can contain formatted text and images that make up a page. They are usually used for newsletters, business cards, brochures and pamphlets and other publications. P65 files are compatible with both the deprecated programs PageMaker 6.5 and PageMaker 7.0, as well as with the new Adobe InDesign desktop publishing software.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open P65 documents:

  • Adobe InDesign (Windows & Mac)
Extension P65
MIME type n/a
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