H - C/C++/Objective-C Header File

What is a H file

Source code documents written in either C, C++ or Objective-C often times reference to external header files. These files are typically saved with the H file extension. The H file is a good way to outsource commonly used functions from the actual code files. This way, every file that references the header file uses the functions written inside the H file. Changes have only to be made once and automatically apply to all source code instances that reference the H file.

The creation of H files as header files for source code files is an economic way to save time while coding or changing code. Header files with the H extension can contain functions, variables and constants. Another document written in either C, C++ or Objective-C can reference the H file, thus applying the functions, etc. defined in the H file. In other instances, H files are known to be used by Java as well.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open H documents:

  • BloodshedSoftware Dev-C++ (Windows)
  • Borland C++ Compiler (Windows)
  • Code::Blocks (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Eclipse IDE for C Developers (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Embarcadero C++ Builder (Windows)
  • GNU Compiler Collection (Mac & Linux)
  • GNU Emacs (Linux)
  • gVim (Windows)
  • MacroMates TextMate (Mac)
  • MacVim (Mac)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows)
  • Vi (Linux)
  • Any Text Editor
Extension H
MIME type text/plain, text/x-c, text/x-chdr, application/x-c
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