GSM - Global System for Mobile Audio File

What is a GSM file

GSM is the file extension used for audio files that store strong digital audio data on a computer or mobile device. This file format is generally used by cell phones. The GSM file format was designed particularly for telephone use in Europe and optimized for recording voice audio like any type of telephonic conversation.

GSM files can be compressed and uncompressed for the purpose of reducing the size of the file. This is done often by using lossy compression. The data can be a raw bit stream in an audio coding format. However, it is generally rooted in an audio data format or a container format with defined storage layer.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open GSM documents:

  • VideoLAN VLC media player
  • SoX
  • NCH Switch
Extension GSM
MIME type audio/x-gsm
Useful links
Example Files
(55.46 KiB)
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